Entries by Roy


15th Annual “One Book One Valley” Book & Event Information

The 15th One Book One Valley community read program is underway. Sixteen public libraries throughout the region and White Birch Books are pleased to announce that this year the featured author is Paul Doiron, who writes the Mike Bowditch series of crime novels. All are invited to an evening with Doiron, when he will talk […]


Pictured left to right: Assistant Director Haley Torrey, Library Director Andrea Masters, Capital Campaign Chair Sharon Wroblewski. (Courtesy Photo) $200,000 Gift for the Pope Memorial Library! Even far away in the Pacific Northwest people talk about North Conway’s Pope Memorial Library! When a philanthropist there heard about the Pope Library’s Capital Campaign and that the library […]



–  Joan Sherman Joan Sherman enriched the life of Mount Washington Valley through her co-ownership of radio station WMWV and her dedication to numerous arts and culture associations. She died from complications of Alzheimer’s Disease on Nov. 19, 2020, at Merri-man House in North Conway, N.H. Joanie often said that she was drawn to New […]


It’s that time of year again! Lisa Gardner has a new book out, and this year, we’re bringing the event to you! The event will be virtual and in partnership with WMWV. Listen to the live hometown launch event with Roy Prescott on 93.5 WMWV (or at wmwv.com) or watch the live video stream on Facebook. […]